Saturday, July 21, 2012

Cocoa addresses felines and their uniqueness:

“Dear Cocoa,

I think I am in big trouble!  I was feeling kind of lonely because my pet was doing their usual playing in the inside rain.  I went into the room where the rain was falling and I thought the drops looked interesting so I, uh, I jumped into the rain.  To my surprise, after the initial shock of getting wet, I actually enjoyed chasing the drops around the giant bowl.  My pet yelled at me to get out, but then they got out and sat there watching me play.  I enjoyed it so much that the next time they went to play in the rain I got in with them and had a ball. 

Am I in trouble?

Signed All Wet and Loving It”

“Dear All Wet and Loving It,

No, you are not in trouble!  Just because you are a feline doesn’t mean you can’t be unique.  In fact, because you are a feline, you must be unique in every way.  Therefore, there is nothing wrong with liking something unusual.  I have known felines who like to eat chocolate; lie in puddles; sleep in the snow; and eat snacks with their pets.  Nothing a feline does is wrong.  We are, after all, the beginning and the end of everything.  Glad you are enjoying some of the uniqueness of being a feline.

Signed Cocoa”