Wednesday, December 26, 2012

A cat's observance

"Dear Cocoa,

Yesterday (would be the wild day everyone was ripping open packages) I stood in the doorway and watched as my human pets ripped open all of the packages that had been meticulously wrapped days before.  I had a wonderful time playing with the balls of paper and chasing ribbons about, but I was still kinda curious as to why these silly pets carefully wrapped and then ripped open these packages.  Can you explain?

Signed Wondering"

"Dear Wondering,

I have been with humans for many years and have observed this same phenomenon every year at about the same time.  At first I thought it might be a ritual of celebration, but now I know the truth.  You see all humans have this insane desire to be violent.  Yes, this fact is sad but true.  In order to avoid being violent to those they love, they carry out this ritual once a year.  This allows them to take out their frustrations and bouts of violence while receiving something to calm them down when they are done.  Be content with playing with the aftermath and stay out of their way while they are performing.  

Signed Cocoa"