Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Cocoa addresses the cloth with funny colors.

“Dear Cocoa,

I have been with my family for many years and they have some very strange habits that often confuse me.  Take their latest habit:  I love to play with things, it keeps me strong and fit, right?  Well the other day they brought out these huge cloth things with funny colors and things that looked like the bright lights in the sky.  I chased the cloth as they walked because it was fun.  Then, when they put the cloth on a pole and left it dangling, well, I figured it was my own private play-scape.  But they pulled me away and stuck me in that stuffy old house instead.

Can you explain this to me? 

Signed Very Confused”

“Dear Very Confused,

Your family is celebrating a holiday for them.  They put up cloths with colors that represent their holiday.  When those cloths come out, I fear it angers them when you play with it, sorta like when those pesky kittens grab up your favorite ball and run off.  Just keep in mind that these things are important to them, and I don’t think you will have any more trouble.

By the way, I believe that the celebration this time was a celebration for their Country’s Independence, (if the cloth looks like the one here) but don’t quote me as I can’t be absolutely certain.  Things are always changing with our human pets.

Signed Cocoa”


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