Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Cocoa addresses the outside:

“Dear Cocoa,

I spent the better part of my growing up outside.  I learned how to fight for what I needed and I learned how to hunt for food.  I figured out how to find shelter when it rained and snowed, and I figured out how to get humans to feed me now and then.  However, one human took me in when I was too sick to fight.  They brought me to a man with a white coat who poked and stabbed me repeatedly and then stuffed something down my throat.  I was furious, but I was too sick to fight back.  After that visit, I feel much better; BUT the humans won’t let me go back out!  What do I do?  I mean it is warm with plenty of food and no fighting, but--outside--no rules--no barriers--and no men poking you.  You’re free to run, chase, fight, or just lay around.  Please help!

Signed Pining for the Outside”

Dear Pining for the Outside,

Are you crazy???!!!??  Every feline worth anything knows that living inside with pets to take care of you is the best life you can get.  Why would you want to go back out there where you might get sick again or someone bigger than you takes your food, or, whatever might happen.  Stay inside and wallow in the pampering.  If the opportunity arises, you could scoot out for a bit of a romp, but don’t go too far and be ready to get picked up rather quickly and taken back.  Your pets are the best thing that ever happened to you, enjoy it. 

Signed Cocoa”

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