Saturday, July 28, 2012

Cocoa addresses pet cuddling:

“Dear Cocoa,

I am presently hiding under the bed behind several boxes because I can’t get my pet to stop trying to cuddle me.  She grabs me every time I walk by and squeezes and pets me until I think I will barf on her shoulder.  I know I should enjoy the pets, and sometimes I do, but mostly I want to run and jump and play.  How do I teach my pet to let me alone until I want to cuddle?

Signed Doesn’t Want to Cuddle”

“Dear Doesn’t Want to Cuddle,

I know how you feel.  Several of my pets were the same way; however patience is your best weapon  right now.  Whenever your pet picks you up, struggle and make sure she knows you do not want to be there.  When she has left you alone for awhile, then you can climb on her and purr (works every time, believe me).  Eventually she will get the idea (it is so hard to train humans because it takes sooooo long for them to understand); however she will learn, eventually.  Then you can race around all you want and she will leave you alone.  PS:  only use claws when necessary to free yourself because you don’t want to hurt them unless the issue becomes a dangerous issue for you.

Signed Cocoa”

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