Friday, July 13, 2012

Why do pet babies stay so long with their mother?

“Dear Cocoa,

I have been wondering about this ever since my family broke up and found homes for themselves.  I don’t know if you can answer this, but please try.  My brothers, sisters, and I were very anxious to get away from our mother as soon as possible.  We followed all of her instructions and within just a few short weeks we were ready to become owners in our own homes.  Yet, our pets, I noticed, not only spend weeks, but years, with their mothers.  Why?  As soon as I could eat on my own I was out of there!  Don’t they want to be on their own as soon as possible? 

I hope you can explain this to me because I’m not the only one wondering about it.

Signed Independent”

“Dear Independent,

I noticed this phenomenon very early in life as well.  After careful study and research, I have come to the conclusion that pet babies can rarely survive on their own.  Even once they reach maturity, they are in need of guidance and assistance.  Even the oldsters have to seek assistance from others.  Pets, my friend, cannot live on their own; thus they need us more than ever!

Signed Cocoa”

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