Monday, August 27, 2012

Cocoa addresses help for the little guy

“Dear Cocoa,

I have been struggling with this problem for some time now and can’t seem to succeed; so I thought you might be able to help me.  I am a small feline, smaller than my fellow felines, and because of this, I often loose out on some of the specials given by my pet.  I have tried to gain sympathy with the others in my home, but have failed miserably.  I can’t seem to win no matter what I do.  Can you help me?

Signed Keeps loosing”

“Dear Keeps loosing,

Image by PublicDomainPictures
You are going about this all wrong.  It is not the felines you have to gain sympathy from but your pets.  When the specials are handed out, sit on the outer edge and cry pitifully.  Your pet will take notice of the fact that you don’t have any and will give you your own special pile.  If this does not work (take heart because it usually does), try getting as close as possible to the pet and crying again, then reach up pitifully with one paw and look at them with those sad melting eyes.  They will respond at that point and you will get top billing from that moment on.

Signed Cocoa”

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