Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Cocoa addresses a visit to the vit (vet).

“Dear Cocoa,

I have been jailed and I don’t know how to break free.  All I can do in the tiny space is lay down.  I don’t have food, water, or a refuse area.  I have tried using my paws to work the catch, but they caught me and put a tie on it that I can’t break.  Help me please!  How do I get out of this horrible cage?  Oh no, the cage is moving.  I am heading to the outside world.  I am….ahhhhhhh! 

I am back from the horrors of the cage, Cocoa, and I thought I would warn your readers about my experiences.  I was stuffed into a cage; dragged-cage and all-into the cold outside world; stuffed into a giant vacuum cleaner which roared to life with me in it; dragged into a scary building with smells of blood and terror; and then, I was stabbed by a man in a white coat who tried to pretend he was my friend by petting me.  I showed him, I bit him hard enough to draw blood and my pet had to force my jaw open to get his hand out. 

Now, thank the feline watchers above, I am home and recovering from the horrible shock and pain of my frightening experience.  I feel ill and I can’t seem to move much.  I have been sleeping since I got back.  Please Cocoa, WARN your readers to avoid the cage at all costs!

Signed Horrible Experience”

“Dear Horrible Experience,

You are one of thousands of animals that is forced to a man called a vit.  He stabs us with sharp, nasty pointed things and pokes us and prods us till we really do want to bite him.  The cage is just a preliminary action to going to see this awful man. 

But you can fight back!  Let your pets know you are not happy with that trip by immediately curling up on their pillow (yours but they claim it) and sleep until you feel the need to relieve yourself.  Then you can do it right there and race off to hide in a cozy cubby for the remainder of the day.  If that doesn’t help, then when you find yourself in that tiny little frightening cage, be sure to yowl as loud and as much as you can to let them know you want out.  Bite the awful man and scratch him as much as possible.  And be sure to scratch and bite your pets to let them know you are mad.  This will usually hurry the visit along and end it that much faster.  I know you were frightened, and I must warn you that the next time that cage comes out you should hide in the deepest, darkest hole you can find and don’t come out until your pets have left the house.

Good Luck,

Signed Cocoa”

Cats, like all mammals, need to go to the vet at least once a year to ensure all is going well for them and to update their shots.  A carrier, similar to this one from Petco, (shown below) is ideal for carrying your cat safely.

Produce 11914 from Petco

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