Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Cocoa addresses a young cat's fears--

“Dear Cocoa,

I am one of four born to my mother only recently--picture enclosed--and wanted to know why I had to leave my mother so soon.  One day I was happy and warm with cuddles and welcoming licks and that wonderful warm milk.  The next day, I was in a strange place, no mother, no siblings, and no familiar surroundings.  I’m very scared and I want my mother back.  Can you help me?

Signed Want My Mommy”

“Dear Want My Mommy,

I am sorry to be harsh, but you must grow up!  Your mother can’t be with you forever; she has other babies to bear and territories to protect.  Once you can survive without her, it is generally best that you leave.  It sounds like you did not have to undergo the painful separation process with you mother still around, so you have been favored in that respect.  Now, get out there; be the feline that I know is in you; explore your surroundings; begin training your pets; and take over every spot in the house (marking it with your scent) so they know it is yours.  Oh, and by the way, your pets give great cuddles and pets so don’t hesitate to find one you favor.  Just one more thing before I go--you will soon be all grown up and will be the king/queen of your house; don’t let your pets forget it!

Signed Cocoa”

Remember to be kind and understanding with your cat the first few weeks you have them.  Allow them a chance to get to know you and their new surroundings.  Make sure they know where the food and litter boxes are, and make sure they get plenty of love. 

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