Sunday, October 28, 2012

Playing with a writing stick

“Dear Cocoa,

I love to play with all of the things my pets leave hanging around like the sticks they use to mark paper.  I knock it on the floor and chase that thing all over the house.  What I find confusing is this:  I knock that thing past my pets ten/twenty times and they never say a word; but then they go to the table and start screaming because they can’t find their writing stick.  They saw me playing with it, why would they be upset about it now?  I mean all they have to do is look under the fridge where I store all of my toys when I’m done playing with them.
Signed Why don’t they look”

“Dear Why don’t they look,

Your pets, I am sorry to say, are not that intelligent.  No pets are very intelligent which is why they are pets and not superior individuals.  Often they don’t see things that are right in front of them because they are too busy with something else (usually something very unimportant by my way of thinking).  If you are playing with something you are relatively certain they will want eventually, try leaving it near where you found it:  like on the kitchen floor if you found it on the table in there.  That way you can still play with it, but your pets will still (it is hoped) be able to find it when they need it.  One thing though, pets are not too observant, so if they fall by stepping on the item, RUN!

Signed Cocoa”

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