Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Window sitting

“Dear Cocoa,

I am a very versatile feline and I was wondering something about my pets that I can’t quite figure out.  Here goes:  I love to sit in the window and watch everything going on outside.  It is safe, warm, and fun to do.  My pets, on the other hand, will actually go out there.  I worry about them out in that big wide world.  Is there any way I can stop them from doing such a dangerous thing?

Signed Pets in danger”

“Dear Pets in danger,

You are a great feline for thinking about the safety of your pets; however, there is nothing you can do.  The simple fact of the matter is--if your pets don’t go out into the dangerous world, they cannot bring home the food, and pampering-tools that keep you happy and healthy.  So, though your pets are going out into the dangerous world, they are doing it for you.  Take heart in the fact that they come home every night, just as you would do if you were out and about.

Signed Cocoa”

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