"Dear Cocoa,
I have been around for many years and I have been contented in my home with my pets to care for me. However, last week my pets brought this tiny feline into the home and let it loose. The stupid thing climbs all over me, bites my ears, and chases my tail. I have tried to warn the thing to leave me alone, but the pets won't allow me to get rough with it. What can I do? I don't want this stupid fur-ball biting and scratching me, I want peace and quiet.
Signed Hate the fur-ball,
Dear Hate the fur-ball,
I understand exactly where you are coming from; however, I can also see the fur-ball's side. He needs to have the opportunity to wrestle with other felines so he can learn the prowess of being a feline. Usually these things are taught by the mother, but sometimes the mother is indifferent or the fur-ball is taken away too soon. Normally I would say go into a hole somewhere until the fur-ball wears itself out doing other things, but you need to be a true feline and step up to the plate. This feline will never learn how to be a feline if no one teaches him; and, since you are the only one around, you are the chosen teacher. Get out there and teach the guy how to be a true feline while he is young enough to learn--one thing, though, be sure the pets are not around when you get rough because they will be afraid you are hurting the fur-ball and will try to interfere. Hope this helps,
Signed Cocoa"
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