Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Outside or in, pure blood or mix, which is better?

"Dear Cocoa,

I love to romp in the fields and play with the falling leaves.  Recently I was taken in by a loving pet who feeds me and then lets me go back out if I wish.  I love it!  However, there is one thing I am not quite sure of; there is another cat in the house (a pure-bred seal I think he said) who harasses me every time I go in.  He says he is better than me because he is pure blooded and I am just a garbage mix.  Is this true?

Signed Is he Better"

"Dear Is he Better,

There are many breeds of felines out in the world; some are considered by pets to be pure-breds and some are considered to be a mix.  I, myself, am a mix of Lynx, Main Coone, and Calico.  I love the fact that I have great qualities of so many different breeds within me.  The next time the 'pure-bred' harasses you, try asking him how many different kinds of breeds he can boast.  When he hesitates, you can laugh and walk away with confidence.  Many kinds are soooo much better than one!

Signed Cocoa"

Outside cats don't need to be cold during winters cold nights.  Try placing an insulated cooler or dog house outside with hay or straw inside of it.  This will give you cat a warm place to sleep and protection form snow and rain.  Try to keep it close to your home and turn the opening so the wind will be less.  

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