Friday, June 15, 2012

Would you believe that Cocoa has a Father?

Cocoa’s father, a gruff Tom with power and prestige in the feline world, has agreed to do a one-on-one interview with Cocoa, in honor of Father's Day, to benefit all of those cats out there who haven’t found the correct pet as yet. 
Mr. Black
Cocoa:  So, what type of cat are you, Mr. Black?

Mr. Black:  I’m the best there is.  I have it all.  Siamese, Blue Point, Maine Coon, Long-Haired, Short-Haired and everything in-between.  That’s what helps me stay alive out here!

Cocoa:  Stay alive?  Perhaps you could explain that statement for my readers.

Mr. Black:  Well, living outside is great, as I’m sure you all know; however, there are many dangers that you have to be aware of and being a part of all those cats gives me the edge I need to avoid all of those dangers.

Cocoa:  What types of dangers are there?

Mr. Black:  Well, cars, of course, and baby-pets, they can be very dangerous.  There is the water, I once saw a buddy of mine swept clean away in a fast moving water.  Then there is the danger of dogs, always something to be on the look-out for; and food.  Food doesn’t sit all day waiting for you to eat it, you know, you have to catch it before you can eat.  Some of those rats and such are getting too smart for their own good and catching dinner can sometimes be a real difficult, and hungry, task. 

Cocoa:  Oh, I was not aware of all of those dangers.  Are there any good things out there?

Mr. Black:  Of course, why do you think I like it so much; see, I don’t have to share my food with anyone if I don’t want to; and I don’t have to share my sleeping quarters with anyone, either.  I can find the absolute best sleeping places that are warm, cozy, dry, and filled with bugs I can snack on while I rest or wait out a storm.  I don’t have to worry about where I jump or sit or stand, either.  Where I go is my business.

Cocoa:  But what about the cold and wet weather?  Doesn’t that get to you?

Mr. Black:  Nah, I got places I can go that will keep me safe from bad storms.  Get’s a bit wet and muddy trying to get there, and cold in the winter, but I can kinda feel a storm commin’ and I usually make my way there long before the storm hits.

Cocoa:  That is fascinating, Mr. Black.  Any last parting advice for my readers before we say good-bye?

Mr. Black:  You betcha!  Any of you pampered fur-balls ever want a real adventure, you just slip out of that safe haven you got and come find me.  I’ll show you what being outside is really like!

Cocoa:  Well, thank you, Mr. Black.  And Good-bye everyone, from Cocoa’s Pet Blog.

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