Sunday, July 15, 2012

Cocoa addresses an answer to the inside rain answer:

“Dear Cocoa,

I have heard my pets say that they play in the indoor rain to get "clean".  While this seems highly improbable to me, I must admit that I never see them licking their paws to wash, (except occasionally the tiny ones, who appear to lick everything).  Further, I never hear them trying to remove fur balls, although they admittedly have indecently less fur than I.  Is this even possible?  What do you think?

Signed Anonymous”

“Dear Anonymous,

While I do understand that some felines can understand some of what their pets are trying to say, (me included) I doubt they actually meant they were getting clean.  You see, we are the only ones who can clean a human pet properly; and, as I’m sure you know, it is a monumental task.  So, though they may have indicated that they were getting clean; and yes, they do have an indecent lack of fur to be sure (which is why it is so important for us to care for them properly), I am certain they are just playing to work off some of their energy.  Hope this helps.

Signed Cocoa”

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