Friday, July 20, 2012

Cocoa answers a question about a difficult family:

“Dear Cocoa,

I followed your advice to romp at night (given to Sleepless on July 19th) thus keeping my pets up longer.  I’m sorry to say it backfired dramatically.  Instead of enjoying the increased romp time, my human pets fussed and complained, and kept glaring at a thing that makes horrible sounds when it is sleep time for me.  I think they called it an alarm cluck.  It may be some kind of mechanical chicken or something.  They took away the toys I most cherished (as if they have that right), and actually banned my presence from the sleep room. 

Signed WHAT NOW?”

“Dear What Now?,

Your pets are being difficult by trying to pretend that they are the owners and you are the pet.  Don’t take that lying down!  If you do not exert your authority over them now, it will only become worse (you may find yourself outside or caged on occasion).  Go through your stockpile of ‘lost’ toys and find another that makes noise; then try again.  When the pets ban you (I assume they closed the door and it insultingly had no opening for you), play with and against the door itself.  Use a silent toy and bang it against the door, or you could drag a rug or something to put against it for an early morning trip.  The worse your pets get, the more you should do.  If they do, horror of horrors, put you in a cage, be sure to howl all night long as loud as you can (this will not only teach them not to put you in there anymore, but will draw other cats from the area to add their own voice).  Once they get the message that you are in charge, they will settle down to a much nicer routine and the house will be contented once more.

I hope it helps,  PS-take your cue from the Hovercat below:

Signed Cocoa”

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