Friday, August 10, 2012

Cocoa addresses outside,

“Dear Cocoa,

I don’t have a problem with my pets, they are great!  But I was wondering about something and I hoped that you might have an answer for me.  You see I have many outside friends who come to visit me at the window.  They talk about happiness and how they are soooo happy outside and how I must be wishing I was out there with them.  I like it where I am.  Should I want to go outside?  Is that what happiness is all about?  I am quite confused by all of this.  Please help.

Signed Wondering about Happiness”

“Dear Wondering about Happiness,

Your friends are trying to confuse you.  Happiness is not outside.  Happiness is a full belly, a warm bed, and a lot of sleep.  They don’t have that while outside and they are jealous of you.  Then next time they talk to you of the outside and happiness in the same sentence, look at them like they have three heads and race off (well as off as you can get anyway).  Oh, and one more thing-outside can have terrible mental affects on a feline.  Don’t go out unless you have to and don’t want out ever (unless you want to, that is, to make your pets work harder for you).  PS:  See what I mean? 

Signed Cocoa”

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