Friday, October 5, 2012

“Dear Cocoa,

I have always known that we felines are at the top of the heap when it comes to intelligence and abilities.  I mean we can survive through just about anything.  We can find food, shelter, and toys no matter where we are.  So why are so many felines seeking the assistance of the humans?  Are they truly satisfied being a slave to the humans’ everyday whims?  I find that hard to believe since, as I said before, felines are at the top of the heap.  Please advise…

Signed Are We Slaves?”

“Dear Are We Slaves?,

I believe you have answered your own question; however I will elaborate.  Because felines are at the top of the heap, they are smart enough to manipulate the humans into believing that they need to care for the ‘helpless’ felines.  Some felines, I grant you, do feel that the outside is the best place ever, but if you ever get tired of chasing your food, getting wet in the rain, and freezing in the snow give humans a try.  You might find that the easy life was what you needed all along.

Signed Cocoa”

Animals, especially cats, can get sick just like humans can, including HIV, Leukemia, and upper respiratory infections; and some of those illnesses can be passed on to humans.  If you have an animal, especially one that goes outside, please get him/her vaccinated before you allow him/her to go outside whether on a leash or roaming free.  Protect your animals as you protect yourself and your family.  It's important for them and for you.

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