Sunday, November 11, 2012

A Mini Pet........

"Dear Cocoa,

I live in a house with older felines and my pets just recently brought home a mini of themselves.  The mini cries a lot and smells really funny, but I like to cuddle with it because it is always so warm.  My bigger (and older) housemates are giving me a hard time about this.  They have begun to call this mini pet a 'baabbee' and they say it is the worst thing ever.  Whenever I try to cuddle with this mini they crawl all over me and bite and scratch me making the mini cry so that our pets remove us all from the mini and close the door on us.  What can I do to stop their behavior?

Signed Likes the Mini"

"Dear Likes the Mini,

The Mini pet is their kitten (or baabbee in human speak).  I also found them to be warm and comfortable.  Your housemates have never seen this type of kitten and so they, like all felines, are loathe to show their ignorance.  To fix this problem, challenge them.  Tell them that they each have to be brave enough to cuddle with the unusual kitten without hurting or waking it.  Once each of them has done this, they will be much more understanding towards your desires; however, they will also be fighting you for the position from that moment on.  Sorry I can't do much about that except to tell you to do your best to be first.  

Signed Cocoa"

Rumor has it that cats are dangerous to babies.  I would like to explain a bit about this.  Babies are warm and they smell of milk and comfort.  Cats are naturally drawn to this because it makes for good napping.  However, cats may lick the mouth of a baby but will not lay on the baby or smoother it (at least not purposely).  Cats, however, do shed and drop dander and that might be dangerous to babies who might be allergic.  Rather than assume your cat and your baby will be safe, introduce the baby to the kitty (and vice versa) slowly and keep an eye on the cat when he is near the baby.  Once a relationship has been established (and the baby hasn't had a reaction of any kind) then you can leave them together.  Older cats are more difficult to introduce to babies because they are always so set in their ways and don't like change.  

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