Monday, September 17, 2012

Pets are dressing another feline, Cocoa speaks out--

“Dear Cocoa,

I love my pets and they are really good to me; however, I have a big problem with them insisting that I wear baby clothes and lay in a cradle at night.  I can’t stand this process, especially since the clothes itch and don’t allow me to keep myself clean.  What can I do?

Signed Clothing Stinks!”

“Dear Clothing Stinks!,

Image by Nemo
While I know that we all have our quirks, pets included, I also know that clothing on a fur covered animal is a big no-no.  Here are a few tricks you can do to stop this process:  howl all night long to let your pets know you are unhappy; hide when it is bedtime; sneak into their storage area for the clothes and take them, one at a time, and hide them under furniture that they don’t usually move; scratch and bite while they are putting the clothes on you; and, of course, race to a hiding place after they take the clothes off so that they know you are horrified at having spent the night with them on. 

I hope this helps,

Signed Cocoa,”