Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Cocoa answers a letter about quirks--

“Dear Cocoa,

I am a strong male feline and I absolutely control my own home with pets who lavish all sorts of love on me regularly.  I do, however, have one weakness that I can’t seem to break and I was hoping you would help me out.  You see, I absolutely LOVE my ribbons.  I can’t help it!  If they dangle a ribbon in front of me I can’t hold back; I have to play with it.  I don’t do that with string, or yarn or cords, just ribbon!!!  Can you help me, please?  I fear I am falling off of my pedestal and losing control.

Signed Loves my Ribbon

“Dear  Loves my Ribbon,

You do not need help, my feline friend, you are absolutely perfect in every way.  You see, all felines have one or two (or three or four) little quirks in their makeup which is what makes them who they are.  Some love laser lights (I’m sure you would never chase one of those); some love the plastic bags; and some love string or yarn; you just happen to love ribbon.  Don’t ever quit because that would change you from a perfect unique feline to an ordinary cat (horrors of horrors)!

Signed Cocoa,”