Friday, October 12, 2012

What are my pets to me?

“Dear Cocoa,

I have read your letters since the beginning and I love the advice you have given.  Today I thought I would ask a question of my own.  I have always wondered, during my tenure as an inside feline, what my pets are to me.  I mean are they real pets; or are they owners as they feel; or perhaps they are my parents in human form; I really don’t know. 

Signed Please advise”

“Dear Please advise,

Humans serve many roles in the lives of felines; however, if you are an inside feline, then you are definitely Lord and Master of your realm!  Be sure your pets are aware of the fact!  Make them bow to your every whim-make them wait on you hand and foot-make them pet you when you wish……or you could just enjoy their company and let them pamper you as they wish.  I, myself, find that because I am feline I am automatically pampered and forcing bows etc. is completely unnecessary. 

Signed Cocoa”

If you like to pamper your cats, try Petco or Petsmart for your felines every wish, or just for their fun.  I find that watching my cats play is better entertainment than some TV programs.