Monday, October 22, 2012

Halloween time?!?!

“Dear Cocoa,

I have been living with my pets for a couple of years now and I was wondering about their annual ritual of dressing up in silly costumes and putting paint all over themselves.  Is this a normal thing for all creatures and I’m just not in the loop; or is this something strictly for human pets? 

Signed What is it”
Image by han

“Dear What is it,

I was wondering when this particular question might come up, especially during this time of the year.  Human pets are very much into colors and fashions.  Once a year, the fashion trend changes to reflect the ugliness or cuteness within each human; they dress according to their behaviors during the year.  But don’t worry, this phenomenon only lasts a few days and then your pets will be back to their normal selves (and hopefully nicer so next year’s trend will be cute rather than nasty).

Signed Cocoa”