Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Scratching the trees outside...

“Dear Cocoa,

I am an inside/outside feline, and I love to sharpen my nails on the bark of trees.  I love how sharp they come out and how much better the shedding goes when I dig at the rough bark.  Recently, my pets purchased a funny looking pole-like thing that they put catnip all over and then tried to get me to scratch it.  Now why would I want to scratch that thing when I have all the trees in the back yard to scratch on?  Are they missing the point of being outside, or are they just a bit ignorant as to what felines do?  Please explain,

Signed Loves to Scratch Real Trees”

“Dear Loves to Scratch Real Trees,

Sadly, your pets are very ignorant about outside felines.  They are probably trying to work towards keeping you inside because they feel it will be safer for you.  In some instances it might be; however, we felines are usually very good at living in the outside world.  I would ignore anything they give you to scratch on inside (including their soft chairs and couches) and continue to scratch outside for best effect.  Perhaps they will decide that outside is best for you afterall.