Thursday, November 1, 2012

Candles? Or mini-fires?

“Dear Cocoa,

I have a query that needs to be addressed but that I haven’t seen during any of your responses; you see, my pet likes to use small fires all over the house.  Some of them smell awful but most just smell like fire and make me and all other felines in the house cringe.  I have attempted to put these fires out several times, for safety reasons; however my pet sprays me (instead of the fire) with water every time I get near.  What am I to do?

Signed Mini Fires are Scary”

“Dear Mini Fires are Scary,

Image by Hans
Many pets do this awful thing, and it took me a long time to figure out what it was.  Remember that your pets are dare-devils and don’t understand instincts and safety; so mini fires, like going out in the snow and eating that awful scorched stuff is like a great adventure for them.  They see nothing wrong with it what-so-ever (go figure, right).  I would just keep my distance from the mini-fires and hope all stays safe.  In the event of an emergency, be prepared to jump through one of the clear walls to get to safety outside.  Hope all is well with you, always!

Signed Cocoa”

Cats are born with a natural curiosity about just about everything.  Sadly, because the wilds does not contain many of the things we have in our homes, instinct cannot protect them.  If you wish to use candles in your home and have animals, please keep the candles high enough so the animals cannot reach them and ALWAYS put them out before leaving the room.