Saturday, November 10, 2012

Humans and pets, are they the same?

"Dear Cocoa,

I know that we felines are far superior to the human race; however, my pets just don't seem to get it. They are constantly trying to get me to chase stupid strings or race about following that stupid red light.  I have to admit, sometimes it is good exercise, but all the time?????  I wonder if they really even understand the complexity of a feline.  Can you help me to understand them a bit better?  

Signed Not Sure"

"Dear Not Sure,

Sorry, I am just so proud of
this picture I couldn't
help showing it off again.
Sadly, no, I cannot help you in this situation.  Human's are several steps below the intelligent rating of felines and cannot climb any higher without a great deal of help.  I mean, come on, what race in their right mind would spend hours moving things around the house, upstairs and down, only to put all of those things back before the day is out?  Perhaps it is some strange ritual of theirs--I hear them say it is 'cleaning' which may be the ancient name of this weird ritual.  However, to make things easier, don't try to understand your humans, just enjoy their pampering of you and relax; at least your needs are taken care of, right?

Signed Cocoa"