Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Cocoa addresses moving

"Dear Cocoa,

I have been living in a total ..uh.. how can I put this---well it's not nice anyway.  My pets have decided to move!  Can you believe this?  I have been in this home, pampered to perfection, for many of my 9 lives and now I am being moved to a brand new location with new smells and new people and ..oh.. I don't know what I will do.  Can you give me any advice at all.  PS:  I am writing this from the back of a rolling cart with a roof and all I can say is  HELP!

Signed On the Go"

"Dear On the Go,

I sympathize with you and your situation.  Unfortunately, since we felines live so much longer than our pets, we often get moved around.  Sadly we can't even pick and choose once that happens.  You didn't say, but I assume your pets are moving and taking you with them.......  If that is the case, at least you will still be pampered--unless they add another just for the fun of it.  Be careful in this new place.  Take you time snooping around and checking out the scents.  And last, but not least, steal something of your pets and place it somewhere deep and dark.  When you feel overwhelmed, go to this dark place and rest; it will not only provide you with needed rest, but it will give you pets a scare when they try to find you.  If you are not going back to your pets, you might want to think about leaving and finding new pets on your own; we do, after all, have a much better instinct than they have, right?  Hope this helps,

Signed Cocoa"