Saturday, January 12, 2013

Its snowing in the "house"?

"Dear Cocoa,

I have been an inside cat for many years, but I have never seen anything like this!  It was snowing inside the room where we all sleep!  Yes, that's right, snowing.  The only catch was, we couldn't reach the flakes.  They dropped from the roof and stopped a few feet away and just swirled and floated there.  My housemates and myself tried to reach them by climbing, jumping, and even crying for help, but there was no way we could reach them.  Can you help us? 

Signed Can't Reach the Snowflakes"

"Dear Can't Reach the Snowflakes,

I am sorry to inform you that I cannot help you in this matter.  I have seen such a phenomenon in my own sleeping area and have learned that the flakes are simply out of reach.  I know this sounds weird and horrifying especially since snowflakes usually drift down until they reach a solid surface; however these particular snowflakes are, I hope you are ready for this revelation, they are not real!  That's right, they are human made and human hung (I actually watched my human hang some of them).  So, though they may look real and may swing and sway like real flakes, they are only human made replicas of the real thing--this means they are not worth the effort of trying to catch them.  I hope I have helped,

Signed Cocoa"