Friday, August 31, 2012

Cocoa offers ideas from his readers--

“Dear Cocoa,

I have found a fun way to eat and I thought your readers might enjoy it as well.  My pets feed me the dry, flavorless, crunchy stuff that often gets stuck in my throat when I try to eat it.  I decided that it would be so much better if I were to get it soft or chase it about.  I decided to do both.  I drop several in my water dish (adding flavor to that as well) and then I break several up and chase them about the house before eating them like a caught insect.  By the time I am done, I have worked up a thirst, and what better way to douse it than with soft chewy morsels that I soaked in my water?  Loads of fun and satisfaction.  Hope your readers enjoy.

Signed Playing with my food”

“Dear Playing with my food,

A great idea!  Exercise, working up an appetite, and getting your fluids, I love it!  I am gladly printing this one for the pleasure and enjoyment of my readers.  And for all of you creative readers out there--send me your tricks for a happier, healthier you.

Signed Cocoa"

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