Friday, June 1, 2012

It's a bath letter.

Cocoa knows all when it comes to pets.
Cocoa has received more letters than he can read in one day; however he is doing his best to read each and every one of them, though not all will be answered here.  Cocoa does have an email that he will gladly send answers to you in private if you prefer.  On to today’s letter:

“Dear Cocoa,

My pet has begun a strange habit and I’m not sure how to break him of it.  He decided that I needed a bath every week and he has been tossing me in his tub with him.  I get covered in bubbles and smelly soaps and my eyes sting and I can’t get the smell off of me for days, not to mention how long it takes me to get dry. 

Please help me.

Signed Soaked and Mad”

“Dear Soaked and Mad,

Your pet seems to feel you have developed an odor about you that he dislikes; and, as all pets will, he is trying to rid you of the smell.  If the smell is natural, then feel free to use your claws to tell the pet you don’t want to be in the water.  If the smell is from something you have been lying in, perhaps you might change your sleeping and resting habits a bit.  Of course, if all else fails, remember to dry yourself off on his favorite chair or his bed pillows.  That never fails to stop the baths! 

Good luck to you,

Signed Cocoa”