Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Cocoa and his mail

Dear Readers,

Cocoa has become so overwhelmed with letters, that he isn't sure which ones to answer first.  He tried going by the ones that came in first; however there were 105.  He tried to read them all and determine which were most important, but each time he finished sorting just one letter, 200 more came in.  He has decided to take one day and sort all of his letters into bins by date and then again by need.  He will be finished with this task by tomorrow (we hope) because he has called up his team to help.  Don't worry, when Cocoa says he will complete a task, he will complete a task, after a short break, of course:
What are you looking at?
I can take a break if I want to!


  1. Perhaps Cocoa needs to put his obligations on "paws " for awhile...sometimes we creative types get a bit overwhelmed...your #1 fan..

  2. Thanks for sharing. We like your blog a lot.
