Saturday, January 19, 2013

Cat likes human food.

"Dear Cocoa,

I am an indoor feline all the way.  I love the sun in the window where I nap.  I love the soft bed where I sleep with my human.  I love the food she gives me.  I love the pets and cuddles.  However, there is one thing I do not understand:  My human doesn't always share her food with me.  I love the food she eats; it smells so good and tastes great (to me); but she usually clears her plate saving none of the delectable morsels for me.  How can I convince her that I should be thought of whenever she eats?

Signed Human Won't Share"

"Dear Human Won't Share,

Human food is definitely a treat; though not very healthy.  I would simply enjoy what you have and let your human enjoy the less healthy stuff more often.  She will feel the effects soon enough, but you should remain healthy (as is required by feline law).  A nibble now and then is okay, but don't eat it all the time (bad, very bad).  Hope this helps.

Signed Cocoa"

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