Saturday, March 30, 2013

Cocoa answers another question.....

"Dear Cocoa,

I am a bit embarrassed to ask this; but I don't know any other way.  You see my pet has a way of petting me that causes me to give in every time!  I can't fight it; I even purr!  Can you help me?  I need to reassert myself as an independent feline before I am past all hope!

Signed Nearly Past All Hope"

"Dear Nearly Past All Hope,

Hang onto your feline card, my friend, you have not lost your fight.  You see, the whole idea is to win
our pets over so they don't think we own them; when you give in to your pets, you make them think they are in charge and they tend to spoil you more.  So, sit (or lay) back, relax, and let your pet have their way.  Once they are done, you can get up and go assert your authority about other things.

Signed Cocoa"

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